Audit Committee | The Audit Committee Members are elected by the AAFPRS Membership. The Committee reviews the audited statements of the Academy and Foundation and performs inquiries and reviews as it deems appropriate to ensure itself of the proper use of Academy and Foundation funds. | AUDIT | COMMITTEE/AUDIT |
Credentials Committee | Verifies the qualifications of applicants to become fellows, members, and international members and conducts investigations, personal interviews, or inquiries it deems necessary. | CRED | COMMITTEE/CRED |
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee | The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee shall partner directly with the AAFPRS Group Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion in advising and assisting the Board with meaningful efforts towards making diversity, equity, and inclusion core AAFPRS organizational values. Such organizational efforts will include fostering the growth of diversity within the membership and leadership; ensuring diversity in the AAFPRS educational programs; promoting health equity; developing members’ cultural competence, cultivating authentic organizational DEI activities to make sure that each of our valued members do not feel marginalized, including younger physicians, senior members, women, ethnic/racial minorities, members with disabilities and LGBTQ members; and shall provide DEI guidance to the Academy and Foundation in those fields. | DEI | COMMITTEE/DEI |
Emerging Trends & Technologies Committee | Reviews and disseminates information on innovations in treatment, surgical procedures, implants, and other devices; recommends policies relating to surgical techniques and devices in the interest of providing the best possible care for patients; makes recommendations to conference program chairs regarding topics for presentations at meetings; and Members of this committee also submit articles for Facial Plastic Times and assist with potential advertisers/sponsors. | ETRENDS | COMMITTEE/ETRENDS |
Ethics Committee | Responsible for complaint and grievance review regarding moral, ethical, or disciplinary issues and disciplinary action (as specified in Article VI DISCIPLINE of the Academy Bylaws). All complaints or requests for disciplinary action shall be made in writing and addressed to the executive vice president of the Academy. The committee shall consist of the immediate past president as chair, as well as three other past presidents, two AAFPRS board members and two other fellows appointed by the president, chairs of committees governing credentials, public information, and young physicians. | ETHICS | COMMITTEE/ETHICS |
International Society of Rhinoplasty Surgeons Committee | The AAFPRS International Society of Rhinoplasty Surgeons (ISRS) seeks to promote and advance the global field of rhinoplasty surgery within the AAFPRS and throughout the world. To assist with this mission, the ISRS Oversight Committee provides governance assistance and recommendations to the AAFPRS Board with regard to overseeing all ISRS membership requirements, reviewing and recommending for approval all ISRS applications; and upholding the initial and continuing requirements of ISRS membership. As leaders in rhinoplasty, the committee provides vital guidance, information and expertise for the recognition and advancement of rhinoplasty via education, training, research, publications, communications, and public relations. | ISRS | COMMITTEE/ISRS |
Leadership Advisory Council | The Leadership Advisory Council (LAC) will be a standing committee of 10 members with three-year staggered terms that consists of a mix of diverse, experienced members who have previously served on the Board of Directors or in any other Academy leadership position. The Council will review and recommend actions at the request of the Board of Directors and initiate communications with the Board of Directors that are important to the vitality and progress of the Academy and Foundation. | LAC | COMMITTEE/LAC |
Membership/Residency Relations Committee | Advance meaningful engagement among our diverse and global membership, while enhancing and growing advantageous and relevant membership benefits. In order to maintain and grow an informed and dedicated membership, the Committee will assist with the development of various mechanisms and benefits that will ignite the diverse professional passions of our current and potential members, taking care to incorporate our core organizational values of diversity, equity and inclusion across all individuals, especially among any marginalized groups. Constructive and ardent member engagement across all facets of our global membership fuels our Academy’s core objectives, mission, vision, and fiscal solvency-and the Committee will assist the Board and Staff with more deeply involving all our members (including among Residency Programs), in our crucial mission-focused efforts. | MEMRES | COMMITTEE/MEMRES |
Nominating Committee | | NOMC | COMMITTEE/NOMC |
Patient Safety, Quality Improvement, Accreditation Committee | Promotes and disseminates information on patient safety and quality improvement practices within the specialty of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery; creates and coordinates patient safety activities and programs; provides guidance to Academy Representatives assigned to various medical organizations we are in coalition with (including ACS and AMA) and makes recommendations to the AAFPRS Board in regard to policies and programs concerning ambulatory health care. | PS | COMMITTEE/PS |
Public Information, PR, and Social Media Committee | Develops recommended strategies for public information/public relations programs, media outreach/pitches, press releases and social media postings on all AAFPRS social media platforms. Engages in reciprocal liaison work with staff and with the Academy’s public relations firm regarding PR and social media, inclusive of helping to develop, utilize and promote the AAFPRS Annual Trends Survey of the membership (and related data) to advance positive PR, awareness, education and understanding of the AAFPRS, our members and the specialty. | PI | COMMITTEE/PI |
Publications and Editorial Committee | Reviews, advises and makes recommendations regarding the stories, content and different audiences (including consumers, members/non-members, other medical professionals, industry, and press) of various print and electronic publications, including Facial Plastic Times and patient brochures, as well as new titles; Additionally, makes recommendations regarding the editorial policy for Facial Plastic Times and other publications; and identifies and helps solicit commercial support and/or advertising for Facial Plastic Times and/or other publications. | PEC | COMMITTEE/PEC |
Regulatory and Socioeconomic Committee | Monitors medical and/or business-related activities of federal and state legislatures and regulatory agencies and of state boards of medicine, as well as socioeconomic developments at all levels that affect facial plastic surgeons. As appropriate, recommends action(s) to the Academy Board of Directors, works to build stronger alliances and grassroots actions with other specialty, surgical and/or medical organizations and coalitions in support of mutual goals and encourages relationships with state medical societies (where they exist.) Makes recommendations to the appropriate education committees regarding inter-specialty programs and recommends presentations and topics to program chairpersons. Provides guidelines and suggests policies for issues related to all aspects of a facial plastic surgery practice. Leverages the Academy Board’s Regional Directors to obtain and share critical regulatory, legislative and socioeconomic information from among Academy members in various regions (by appointing one member in each state in their region to be responsible for monitoring state board and legislative activity at the state level). | RASE | COMMITTEE/RASE |
Website and Electronic Media Committee | Reviews, advises, and makes recommendations regarding the structure, content, and different audiences (including consumers, members, non-members, other medical professionals, industry and press) of the AAFPRS Website and various electronic products, tools and services that may be housed on the website and/or elsewhere. Such efforts will include writing and updating clinical content for the consumer pages of the website; developing consumer education videos; developing clinical videos and tools for members; identifying and soliciting commercial support and/or advertising for the website and/or other electronic media; suggesting and helping to implement approaches to advance SEO; partnering with the CONNECT Committee to advance membership use of and benefits from all resources and communities on the learning management part of our website; and partnering with the Public Information, PR and Social Media Committee to advance the AAFPRS Public Relations efforts via the website. | WEM | COMMITTEE/WEM |
Women In Facial Plastic Surgery Committee | The Women in Facial Plastic Surgery (WFPS) Committee seeks to acknowledge, celebrate, and expand the achievements of female members of the Academy, within the AAFPRS, our specialty and the larger world of organized medicine. The WFPS Committee serves as an authentic vehicle to inspire women to be a significant and influential part of the next generation of facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons and leaders, while fostering camaraderie and networking among the Academy’s female physicians and allies. Providing a forum that represents and advances their interests, the WFPS Committee works to actively recruit women to pursue careers in facial plastic surgery; to promote gender equity; and to encourage our female members to participate in research, education (including teaching and fellowship training) and leadership roles in the AAFPRS and the medical community. | WFPS | COMMITTEE/WFPS |
Young Physicians Committee | The Young Physicians (YP) Committee seeks to acknowledge, celebrate, and expand achievements and abilities of young physician members of the AAFPRS, while fostering camaraderie and networking among the Academy’s young physicians, as well as with our more seasoned members. Providing a forum that represents and advances their interests, the YP Committee works to identify and address matters of concern to young physicians; to serve as mentors to their peers; to identify tools and resources to further enhance their clinical education, training and expertise, as well as their practice management skills; and to encourage our young physicians to participate in research, education, committee initiatives and roles, and mentor/mentee relationships within the AAFPRS and the medical community. | YPS | COMMITTEE/YPS |