Member Benefits

Be a part of the largest specialty organization for facial plastic surgery where we lead the next evolution of the specialty through education, advocacy, and innovation!

  • NEW IN 2023 - FPSAM Video Journal, the companion to the Academy's official journal Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine providing accurate and innovative information in facial plastic interventions via high-caliber demonstrations of the latest surgical techniques
  • Subscription to the Academy's official journal, Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
  • The Society for Rhinoplasty Surgeons - membership open to AAFPRS Fellow and International Fellow members.
  • Virtual Online Mentor 4 Success program.
  • Online Collaborative Community for all AAFPRS members in good standing - share challenges, solve problems and network!
  • Partnership with the ABFPRS yearly on their FACEforward Program, where surgeons who successfully complete the program are eligible for 15 CME credits if they are also a member in good standing of the AAFPRS
  • Online AAFPRS Membership Directory offering the most current and more secure access to member contact information for easy networking with your colleagues.
  • Profiles Plus -- allows you to expand your profile for an additional fee connecting your prospective patients with your practice through the AAFPRS Find A Surgeon site.
  • Subscription to the Academy's official journal, Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
  • AAFPRS Consumer Profile - Drive Patients to Your Practice! (Member, International, International Fellow and Fellow members)
  • Subscriptions to About Face (our weekly electronic newsletter) and Facial Plastic Times
  • Grassroots advocacy —fighting to preserve your right to practice and call yourself a Facial Plastic Surgeon
  • Webinars and Virtual Education - Offering more CME and other online learning than every before!
  • Exclusive member-only discounts on registrations, over 300 surgical videos and other AAFPRS products and services
  • Mentor/Mentee and practice management programs to help you run a successful practice
  • Online access to the AAFPRS CONNECT online learning management educational portal, where you can obtain learning materials, CME, view surgical videos, FACE Value webinars (free) and other webinars at reduced or no cost
  • Collaborations with key organizations—including, the American Medical Association
  • Leadership opportunities that advance your career and our Specialty, through speaking engagements, service on vital committees and run for elected office (Fellow members)
  • Connections with colleagues through AAFPRS Online Communities and the membership directory
  • Participation in the FACE TO FACE humanitarian program to assist those in need—here in the US and abroad
  • AAFPRS Foundation Fellowships, with ACPSE accredited programs
  • Media outreach to elevate awareness of the Academy and our members via placements in national and regional media, equating to more than 45 billion annual impression.
  • AAFPRS Member Surveys - Surveys of AAFPRS Members provide the opportunity to advance Specialty-specific research that reflects the vital input of experienced clinicians in the field. To learn more as to how to distribute a survey to AAFPRS members, email
Application Forms

Member and Fellow Application Form
Member and Fellow Reference Form

International Member and Fellow Application Form
International Member and Fellow Reference Form

Resident Member Application Form
Resident Member Reference Form

Medical School Student Membership Application

We prefer that you submit your completed application via email to or by mail to:
AAFPRS Member Services
310 S. Henry Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

If you have questions regarding AAFPRS membership or the application process, please contact the Member Relations Department at (703) 299-9291.

Member Categories

Click a category below to view rates and requirement details 

Physicians who have completed residency and who are interested in facial plastic surgery may apply for Associate membership. They may retain their membership for up to four years after completion of residency training with the expectation that during this time they will become board-certified by a recognized American examining board of medical specialties in a specialty applicable to the head and neck area or its equivalent and then upgrade to member status.

To apply for Associate level membership, please contact the AAFPRS Member Department at (703) 299-9291 or via email to

 Year 1  US Associate  $495.00
 Year 2  US Associate  $640.00
 Year 3  US Associate  $780.00
 Year 4  US Associate  $915.00
 Year 1  CAN Associate  $485.00
 Year 2  CAN Associate  $600.00
 Year 3  CAN Associate  $705.00
 Year 4  CAN Associate  $815.00

Physician must be: (1) A diplomate of a recognized American examining board of medical specialties in a specialty applicable to the head, face and neck area, or its equivalent. (2) be a fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS), the Royal College of Surgeons (C) (FRCS Canada) or a diplomate of the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; (3) A citizen or resident of the United States or Canada. (4) In practice for a minimum of 3 years. (5) Physician must submit (a) a completed, membership application, (b) non-refundable $75 processing fee, (c) a copy of your curriculum vitae, (d) Four references (2 Academy Fellows, 1 Chief of Specialty Surgery, and 1 other colleague), and (e) surgical procedure list (f) 35 operative reports of surgery done within the last calendar year if you do not hold an ABFPRS Certificate.

 US  Fellow  $975.00
 MILITARY  Fellow  $830.00
 CAN  Fellow  $875.00

Physician must be: (1) A diplomate of a recognized American board of medical specialties in a specialty applicable to the head, face and neck area, or its, equivalent. (2) Be in practice for a minimum of one year. (3) Submit a completed membership application and a non-refundable $75 processing fee. (Member applicants only) (4) A copy of your Curriculum Vitae. (5) Four references from 2 Academy Fellows, 1 Chief of Specialty Surgery and 1 other colleague.). International Applicants - Please submit a copy of your board certification from your country and references from Academy members are preferred, but not required.

 Year 1  US Member  $495.00
 Year 2  US Member  $640.00
 Year 3  US Member  $780.00
 Year 4 >  US Member  $915.00
 Military  US Member  $785.00
 Year 1  CAN Member  $485.00
 Year 2  CAN Member  $600.00
 Year 3  CAN Member  $705.00
 Year 4 >  CAN Member  $815.00

Physician must be: (1) A diplomate of a recognized national certifying board of medical specialists in a specialty applicable to the head and neck area or its equivalent from their country; (2) A member of one of the society members of the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies (IFFPSS) or an IFFPSS At-Large Affiliate Member; (3) a citizen or resident in the country from which they are applying, other than the United States or Canada. (4) In practice for a minimum of 3 years; (5) Physician must submit (a) a completed, membership application, (b) non-refundable $75 processing fee, (c) a copy of your curriculum vitae, (d) Four references (2 Academy Fellows or 2 IBCFPRS certified surgeons or a combination of Academy Fellow and IBCFPRS certified surgeon), 1 Chief of Specialty Services, and 1 other surgical colleague), and (e) surgical procedure list (f) 35 detailed operative reports done within the last calendar year if you do not hold an IBCFPRS certification.

 International  Fellow  $495.00

Physician must: (1) Submit a copy of board certification from your country. (2) Be in practice for a minimum of one year. (3) Submit a completed membership application and a non-refundable $75 processing fee. (4) References (2 Academy Fellows or 2 IBCFPRS certified surgeons or a combination of Academy Fellow and IBCFPRS certified surgeon), 1 Chief of Specialty Services, and 1 other surgical colleague).

 International  Member  $385.00

Physicians who are in residency training and interested in facial plastic surgery may apply for Resident membership. They may retain their resident membership status through the end of the calendar year that they graduate from residency when they can be transitioned to Associate member with Year 1 dues for the following year. Applicants must submit a Resident Application, AAFPRS Reference Form from their residency program director, proof of a medical license or explanation if one is not required, and an updated CV.

There is no charge for Resident Membership. To apply for Resident level membership, please contact the AAFPRS Member Department at (703) 299-9291 or via email to

Medical School Student Membership

Explore the specialty of facial plastic surgery with the NEW AAFPRS membership category for medical school students.

Medical school student members shall be physician candidates in a medical school interested in learning more about facial plastic surgery. They may retain their medical school membership status only through the end of the calendar year that they graduate or leave their medical school. Medical school student members shall enjoy all the privileges, rights, duties, and obligations of membership except the right to vote at membership meetings or hold an elective office, chair a committee, or serve as a member of an elected committee. They may, however, serve on committees.