Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
Blepharoplasty (blef-a-roe-plasty) is surgery of the eyelids where fat and excess skin, bags, pouches, wrinkles in the eye area are removed to make the eyes look less tired. Recovery time is approximately one week.
Facial Implants
A facial implant is a procedure in which synthetic materials, such as silicone, are used to provide cosmetic definition to the face, and typically performed on a patient's chin, cheeks, and/or jaw.
Genioplasty (Chin Augmentation)
Genioplasty (jeen-e-o-plasty) or mentoplasty (men-to-plasty) is surgery to augment a small chin or reduce a prominent chin. Recovery time is about one week.
Hair Replacement
Hair replacement surgery involves the surgical movement of “permanent” hair along with its roots to an area of bald or balding skin.
Injectables & Wrinkle Treatments
Injectable fillers are substances that are used by your physician to replace lost volume in certain areas of your face. Injectable wrinkle treatments are an effective, temporary treatment to minimize facial lines.
Laser Surgery
Lasers are medical devices which produce high-energy, focused beams of intense, “single-colored” light and heat which have been found – through ongoing research and extensive clinical experience – to selectively interact, in very useful ways, upon various tissues within the skin and body.
Lip Augmentation
Lip enhancement (also knows as lip augmentation) use absorbable fillers to obtain a fuller, more youthful lip. Surgical options are also available for those interested in a more permanent solution.
Otoplasty (Cosmetic Ear Surgery)
Otoplasty (oh-toe-plasty) is surgery to “pin back” the ears by reshaping the cartilage. Recovery time is about one week.
Rhinoplasty (Nasal Surgery)
Rhinoplasty (rye -no-plasty) is surgery of the nose–where cartilage and bone are reshaped and reconstructed and excess bone or cartilage may be removed. Recovery time is approximately one week.
Rhytidectomy (Facelift Surgery)
A rhytidectomy (rit-id-ek-tomy) is surgery to remove excess skinand tighten muscles in the neck and lower part of the face. Recovery time is approximately two weeks.
Scar Revision
Surgical techniques designed to make scars as smooth and invisible as possible.
Skin Resurfacing & Peels
Chemical peels and dermabrasion work by removing layers of skin. The skin that grows back is often smoother, with fewer wrinkles and less discoloration.